Monday, 10 March 2014

Food verbs

1. To eat food very quickly is to:
a. Bolt down
b. Pig out
c. Whip up

2. To cut up food into small pieces is to:
a. Eat out
b. Chop up
c. Warm up

3. To eat a lot of food is to:
a. Fry up
b. Pig out
c. Knock back

4. To eat less of something to improve your health is to ____ on it.
a. Pick up
b. Cut down
c. Cut back

5. To drink a lot of alcohol quickly is to ____:
a. Chop up
b. Knock back
c. Warm up

Describing food

1. Food that is cooked with a lot of oil or fat, is often _______ 
2. Food that when first chewed has a hard texture and makes a noise in the mouth (e.g. fried bacon), is ____
3. Food that contains a lot of different types of spices but doesn't burn your mouth, is _______ 
4. Dark chocolate (without milk) has a taste that is _________
5. The opposite of soft, is ________
6. Food that has a lot of salt in it, is described as ________
7. Normally, the dessert is sweet and the main course is _______
8. Food that contains a lot of an ingredient like chocolate, is ________
9. Food that contains a lot of chillies, is ________
10. Food that makes a loud noise in the mouth when chewed, is _________
11. Food that doesn't have a strong taste of anything, is _________
12. A milkshake is normally creamy and ________
13. When something has a good taste or flavour, it is _________
14. Food like croissants that breaks very easily into small and delicate pieces, is _________
15. Food that is made from milk products, is often _________
16. When you have to chew food in your mouth for a long time before swallowing it, it is __________
17. A lemon has a taste that is ___________


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